How to cook the Superb Cabbage Soup


Cook the Superb Cabbage Soup with a superfood

Cabbage is definitely one of the superfoods, so why not have more of it. It is affordable, widely available and full of goodness. If you experienced some dull cabbage soups, I do not blame you that you are not keen to cook one yourself. However, the 5-element recipe is for a cabbage soup you have never had before. Also, you can experiment a little bit yourself as there are a lot of variations of cabbage soup. The original recipe is by simply recipes. There are slightly different spices which you can add if you like, too. 

cabbage soup in the cooking pot and the bowl on the table

The procedure

The amounts serve 5-6, so use a large cooking pan and add the following ingredients:

  • Sweet 2-3 tablespoons of oil, heat it up and add 2 carrots sliced, 1 parsnip sliced, 3-4 medium-sized potatoes washed and roughly chopped (no need to peel them), a pinch of sweet paprika (optional)
  • Pungent 1/2 leek roughly sliced, 1/4 medium-sized celeriac cubed, 1/2 white cabbage roughly shredded, a pinch of black pepper, a small pinch of cayenne, a pinch of freshly ground coriander (optional), 
  • Salty 1 flat tablespoon of salt, cold water to cover well the vegetables. 

Bring the soup to a boil and turn the heat down. Let is simmer for about 15 minutes, until potatoes are soft and good to eat. 


  • Sour 4-5 tablespoons of tomato puree, 2 teaspoons of lemon juice, a pinch of basil (optional),
  • Bitter a generous pinch of turmeric. 

Boil the soup for another 3-4 minutes and turn the heat off. Check the flavour. If there is any flavour missing go around the cycle adding a little bit of each until you get to the desired one. 

To serve

Serve sprinkled with parsley or any other herbs of your choice. 

This soup is full of flavour and really filling. Generally soups are a fantastic option when you want to cook something quick. What is more, they are balanced in terms of nutrition, energy and flavour. Another important thing is that you do not need to add vegetable stock, like in most recipes. The 5 Element soups are so balanced that all the flavour comes from the vegetables. 

Try some other soup recipes: tomato, bean and garlic soup, white borscht, green borscht

For other cabbage ideas see stuffed cabbage leaves.

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