How to bake quick & easy Pound Cake 


Bake your own Pound Cake with 5 Elements – it is perfect!

This super quick and easy Pound Cake was inspired by a recipe found in a real, printed book entitled Mastering the Art of Baking by Annika Manning. I got it from a friend of mine and had a huge pleasure to use it. The book is full of beautiful photos and step by step guides with images, attached to each recipe. 

To make the Pound Cake a 5-element one, I added some spices. I also reduced the amount of sugar by almost a half. It came out sweet enough and super moist and spongy. To finish off, I spread a little bit of blackcurrant jam spread on it. It was just perfect! 

pound cake with one one slice cut off on the board

The preparation

In a large mixing bowl add the dry ingredients and mix them well:

  • Sour 175g plain flour, sifted,
  • Bitter a generous pinch of turmeric, 
  • Sweet a pinch of cinnamon, 
  • Pungent a pinch of ginger, 
  • Salty 1/4 teaspoon sea salt. 

The procedure 

Use another large mixing bowl, an electric mixer and beat the following ingredients until smooth and creamy: 180g unsalted butter, 100g caster sugar, 1 teaspoon natural vanilla extract. Beat in 3 eggs at room temperature. Add 1 egg at a time beating until it blends in. 

Fold in the flour mixture alternately with 60ml of milk, mixing gently with a large spoon. Once all the ingredients are combined to a smooth consistency, transfer it to a tin of 8 x 20cm, greased with some butter or oil. 

Bake for 45-50 minutes in an oven preheated to 180℃ or until a wooden skewer inserted into the centre comes out clean. Transfer the cake to a wire rack to cool. 

Serve dusted with icing sugar.

For other quick cake recipes see sponge cake, flan or yeast cake.

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